Public Sector Equality Duty: Annual Report 2024
Reporting on the academic year 2023-24. Download this report as a PDF.
Introduction: Duties under the Equality Act (2010)
Public bodies, of which the college is one, have both general and specific equality duties. The general duties are to have due regard in decision-making to:
1. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.
2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not, by:
- Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics;
- Taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different from the needs of other people;
- Encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is disproportionately low.
3. Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not, by:
- Tackling prejudice, and
- Promoting understanding between people from different groups.
The specific duties are:
1. To publish relevant, proportionate information (including quantitative data) showing compliance with the Equality Duty by 31 March each year, and subsequently at intervals no greater than one year from the last publication. This includes information relating to persons who share a relevant protected characteristic who are:
- Its employees (if it has more than 150), and
- Other persons affected by its policies and practices (e.g. students)
2. To prepare and publish at least one specific and measurable objective that the college thinks it should achieve to meet any of the three aims of the equality duty by 31 March each year. Objectives must be published at least every four years.
The protected characteristics are: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, and sex and sexual orientation. Marriage and civil partnership are also protected in respect of the first general duty, in employment only.
This report is designed to meet the first of the specific duties. It has been prepared for Green Templeton’s Human Resources (HR) and Academic Committees and will be presented for approval by Governing Body.
The information included relates to the college community’s staff and students. The report covers the academic year 2023-24 (1 October 2023 – 30 September 2024); where data are presented, they refer to this academic year unless otherwise stated. The college collects data and information on some of the protected characteristics and also relies upon the university to provide data on students. Not all protected characteristics are addressed for all measures by these data. In some cases, the numbers are too small to be meaningful.
This report should be read alongside the college’s Equality and Diversity Policy, which is available from the college’s website. This policy was rewritten substantively in 2020-2021 and approved by Governing Body in November 2021.
The college’s Equality Policy states that the HR and Academic Committees will have responsibility for co-ordination of policy development and the identification of priorities, and will report to Governing Body on an annual basis. The Senior Tutor presents student-related data and the Human Resources Manager presents staff data.
In 2019, an Equality & Diversity Forum was established. The remit of this forum is outlined in Appendix 1. It met 5 times during 2023-24 and was chaired by the Senior Tutor, Alison Stenton.
In 2019 the college appointed an E&D Champion, Dr Neo Tapela. Dr Tapela is an Associate Fellow of the college. She co-chaired the E&D Forum (2019-2021) with the Senior Tutor, who is the E&D lead. In 2021 Dr Tapela departed this role to take up a new position outside Oxford.
In 2021 the college appointed a member of Governing Body to be an E&D Champion, with membership of the E&D Forum. This is Professor Susan James Relly. Professor Relly co-chaired the E&D Forum with the Senior Tutor in 2021-22. Susan Relly left Oxford at Christmas 2022.
In 2023 the college appointed a new member of Governing Body to be the E&D Champion. This is Professor Sonia Antoranz Contera.
The PSED report is reported to GB in Michaelmas annually.
As the college has fewer than 150 members of staff it is not required to publish staff data as part of this report. However, relevant staff data against our specific equalities objectives is reported alongside student- and fellow-related data.
Equality Report 2023-24
Green Templeton’s Equality Objectives
The college’s priorities are to:
- Increase the proportion of women and Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) members among its fellowship, and, in particular, on its Governing Body;
- Improve the recruitment and retention of BME staff and their representation among senior roles;
- Improve accessibility for disabled students and other members of the community;
- Embed equality and diversity in all activities, in particular taking a more proactive approach to encouraging people from protected groups to participate in college activities and to ensure they feel supported to do so.
Report on Progress with Equalities Objectives in 2023-24
Objective 1: Increase the proportion of women and BME members among its fellowship, and, in particular, on its Governing Body
Objective 2: Improve the recruitment and retention of BME staff and their representation among senior roles
Representation of women in senior staff and fellowship roles
Staff: The representation of women in senior roles remains strong. Data collected on staff in April 2024 identify that across all roles, the gender split is almost 50/50, but 64% of senior roles (Grade 6 or above) were held by women. This is the same as in 2023.
With the appointment of a new Principal in September 2020, now one of three members of the college’s executive management team is a woman (Principal, Bursar, Senior Tutor). The Vice Principal is a woman. In 2022-23, the college created an Executive Management Group (EMG) to oversee college business and its developing strategy, as an extension of the Executive Management Team (EMT). The EMG includes the Principal, Bursar and Senior Tutor – all of whom are GB Fellows and trustees of the college – along with the Domestic Bursar, college Accountant, Development Director and Director of Communications. 3/7 members of the EMG are women.
Fellows: The appointment of fellows is overseen by the Fellowship Committee, reporting to Governing Body. college fellows are elected from among the university’s academic community. The college supports the university’s objective to increase the representation of women in senior roles. To exercise some influence over recruitment, the Principal or another senior college officer sits on all panels for new appointments to the university which have an association with the college. Data on the proportion of women elected to the fellowship and, particularly, to the Governing Body are monitored by Governing Body.
In 2018-19, 13/43 (30%) members of Governing Body were women. In 2019-20, 11/38 members were women (29%). In 2021-22, 11/35 members were women (31%). In 2022-23, 10/31 members are women (32%).
The University of Oxford’s most recent report on its EDI objectives, published in March 2024, shows a small increase in the proportion of its Statutory Professors who are women (22%), although this still falls short of its stated target of 27% by 2029. Women make up 33% of Oxford Associate Professors, with the university aiming for 35% representation in this group by 2029.
The university’s target for the representation of women on senior university committees is 40-60% by 2027; in 2022-23, 38% of members of these committees were women (a small decrease from 2021-22) (University of Oxford Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report 2022-23).
A proposed target of 50% for women across all categories of fellowship in the college was discussed at the E&D Forum in May 2022 and it was agreed that this should be the aim for Green Templeton.
An annual joint meeting of Fellowship and Academic Committees was instituted in 2022-23. At this meeting all fellowship data are reviewed and the EDI objectives are reported on.
In 2023-24, 29.8% of Green Templeton Official Fellows are women. 38.5% of fellows elected to Governing Body are women.
The college appoints only a very small number of academic staff responsible for providing clinical teaching, all on a part-time/stipendiary basis (a Senior Doll Fellow, who is a member of Governing Body, plus 5 Doll Fellows). In 2020-21, 2/6 Doll Fellows were women. The Senior Doll Fellow retired from his role at the end of August 2022. He was replaced by two current Doll Fellows in September 2022 who job-share the SDF role. Both of the college’s Senior Doll Fellows now are women. The other five Doll Fellows are all men.
Representation of BME fellows in the community and on Governing Body
Our EDI data on fellows
In Spring 2023, the college held a joint meeting of the Academic and Fellowship Committees to review all college fellowship data in order to make some strategic recommendations about the future of the fellowship. As a result of this meeting it was agreed that we will continue to collect full EDI data when new fellows are appointed or existing fellows re-appointed. Additionally, we would collect full EDI data from GB fellows as a matter of priority before targeting other categories of fellowship.
The college has been asking existing fellows to provide EDI data over the last year. As of August 2024, we still have a partial picture of the ethnic diversity of our fellowship. So far, of 292 Official Fellows only 160 have provided ethnicity data. Of this group, 11% of Green Templeton fellows are BME and the rest are White. Across the wider Fellowship (i.e. which includes Common Room and other Associate Members – n=461), 16% of respondents to the survey are BME. Just 47% of the wider Fellowship have provided any ethnicity data so far.
For comparison, according to the University of Oxford’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report, in 2022-23 8% of its Statutory Professors, 9% of its Associate Professors, and 18% of its Senior Researchers were BME. As was reported in last year’s Green Templeton PSED, according to HESA data (2019 latest available) just 11% of UK academics at professorial level are BME; 18% at all levels of academic achievement.
As all of our fellows apart from Associate Fellows are appointed because they hold academic positions within the university, setting a target for BME fellows at Green Templeton is dependent on the university’s targets. The university agreed the following targets in 2023:
- To achieve a yearly increase in the proportion of BME Statutory Professors, with 9% representation by 2029. Baseline for this group is 6%.
- To achieve a yearly increase in the proportion of BME Associate Professors, with 11% representation by 2029. Baseline for this group is 9%.
- To achieve a yearly increase in the proportion of BME Senior Researchers (Grades 8 and above), with 20% representation by 2029. Baseline for this group is 17%.
The college has not yet set its own targets for BME fellows. To do so it needs to continue to collect baseline data to understand the picture at Green Templeton.
The recruitment and retention of BME staff and their representation among senior roles
The university’s target is to increase the proportion of its BME Senior Professional Staff (Grade 8 and above), reaching 14% representation by 2029. In 2022-23, 10% of these senior university staff were BME.
college staff data were collected in April 2024. 14% of Green Templeton staff identify as BME (cf. 18% in 2023), which compares to 22% of the population of Oxford as a whole. The E&D Forum noted that the population of Oxford should not be a limiting benchmark given the significant population of BME students in college. However, whilst Oxford is diverse, Oxfordshire is not, and so geography may continue to be something of a limiting factor in the future as long as staff are required to commute to work in the college. No members of the college’s Executive Management team are people of colour, but two members of the Senior Management Group are.
8% of staff employed identify as LGBTQ+ (10% in 2023).
The following statement is being used for all recruitment to encourage applications from LGBTQ+ and BME groups:
Green Templeton College welcomes applications from people from all sections of the community and particularly encourages those from diverse groups, such as LGBTQ+ and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic candidates, who are currently under-represented in the college staff team.
College staff are asked to complete three online EDI courses, every two years, available from the university. Completion of EDI courses are routinely checked in the annual PDR.
Objective 3: Improve accessibility for disabled students and members of the college community
Students: Disabled students are supported in college by the college’s disability lead (Senior Tutor) and Disability Co-ordinator (Academic Registrar). The Academic Registrar regularly provides alternative examination arrangements in college for students with specific requirements. Disabled students’ support is overseen by the college’s Welfare Committee.
Staff with a welfare-related role undertake training in student mental health. Training provided by the university’s Counselling Service (“Supporting Students in Distress”) was completed by this group of Green Templeton staff (including Junior Deans) in February 2023. Activities including a Mental Health Storytelling Picnic were held during Mental Health Awareness Week.
In 2023-24, the Admissions Officer role was redrafted to include the role of disabled students support officer, with particular responsibility for applicants, offer-holders and registrants.
Working with the Graduate Common Room Vice-President for Equality and Diversity, MacKenzie Isaac, these staff this year held a series of Neurodiversity Advocacy focus groups to inform actions to support neurodivergent students (and, more widely, to support incoming students declaring disability and/or long-term illness). This has resulted in changes to the college’s welcome and registration activities:
- The Academic Registrar now sends a specific welcome letter to all students who have declared a disability in their application, encouraging them to register with the university Disability Advisory Service, providing information about the services and resources available from the college and university, and identifying the Academic Registrar and Senior Tutor as pre-arrival points of contact if students want to discuss any concerns.
- The Accommodation team is working to address requests for specific adjustments to student college rooms.
- A low-stimulus room will be made available during large-scale welcome social events such as Welcome Mingles.
- Longer one-to-one appointments with the Academic Registrar are now available for registration if required (in-person or on Teams).
- Two Student Ambassadors, in the larger Student Ambassador team, have the specific role of welcoming and supporting neurodivergent students if requested, including buddying up for College Life Fairs and other welcome events. The GCR are also planning a buddy system in which current students volunteer to provide support to incoming students during their first weeks in college.
- A rota of staff and students will be put in place to accompany new students into lunch at the start of Michaelmas Term, drawn mainly from student peer supporters and staff who have done Neurodiversity Champions training.
- A Welfare/Diversi-tea event will take place in Week 0 and regular termly events will be embedded in the college calendar.
- The College Office continues to work on using neuro-inclusive and accessible language and materials in its communications with offer-holders and students.
Staff: In April 2024, 25% of staff disclosed a disability. The majority of these are mental health related, such as depression or anxiety, but 33% of those with a disability have a chronic long-term condition. Staff are supported by line managers, by the HR Manager and by referrals to Occupational Health, as required. The college has an EAP (Employment Assistance Programme) which is available to staff to use 24/7. The college also appoints staff representatives each year, who are available to listen to staff concerns or worries and signpost to the best support for the issue.
In 2024, the college formed a Mental Health Working Group and is working to get a number of staff trained as Mental Health First Aiders. The college’s Flexible Working Policy and Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy were also updated this year.
Neurodiverse HR were commissioned in 2024 to provide staff with training in Neurodiversity Awareness and around 40 members of staff attended on a voluntary basis. Another eight members of staff took further training in order to become Neurodiversity Champions. This will enable them to be aware and provide support when needed to members of the college community who are neurodivergent.
Estate: Accessibility is a key consideration as the college embarks upon a new estates project (‘New Build’, formerly ‘Tennis Court Project’), led by the Bursar and Domestic Bursar and overseen by the Buildings Committee, which includes the development of new student accommodation, a café and dining hall. Planning permission was achieved for this project in 2023.
The college underwent a disability audit during the early part of 2022 and a full report was issued. The report has been published in the University Access Guide and is now in a standardised format for easy reading.
As a result of this audit the college has created an Accessibility Audit Action list (see Appendix 2) and some key pieces of work have been undertaken to improve access to the college grounds and buildings, and to student accommodation at Rewley Abbey Court.
This year we have worked on fixing the doors which have heavy or fast closures, as well as finding a portable ramp solution to some of the many doorway (and grassed area) steps which restricted access. Whilst this is not a fixed solution it has provided a simple, easy-to-use system which can be used for differing step elevations.
The gym floor renovation this September will see a contrasting colour to the equipment as advised in the audit.
Digital Communications: Improvements this year have focussed on our email communications and social media posts. Heading styles are now used consistently across bulk emails from all across the college and images continue to be tagged with alternative text. Guidance to colleagues on writing for accessible digital content has been ramped up as part of ongoing efforts to professionalise communications.
The college still has work to do to bring remaining elements of its website content in line with the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). A review of the website has begun with a view to determining the nature of medium-term evolution or redevelopment. Ensuring accessibility of all content is a key consideration in this thinking.
We will continue to work incrementally to address several accessibility issues identified as ‘low priority’ by a specialist company we commissioned, AbilityNet, during a January 2021 audit. We have addressed those identified as ‘high priority’ and ‘medium priority’. All new content published aims to meet the accessibility criteria, and guidance on best practices for digital accessibility is shared internally.
Objective 4: Embed equality and diversity in all activities, in particular taking a more proactive approach to ensuring that people from protected groups feel supported and are encouraged to participate in college life.
College policies and governance: A requirement to consider the potential equality impact of all policy and decision-making is embedded in the procedures of all the college’s formal committees.
Harassment: Green Templeton does not tolerate any form of harassment or victimisation. The college’s policy on harassment is available on its website. Students are informed about this policy at induction; this year they were also offered ‘Consent for Students’ online training devised by the university and Brook. The college has two trained staff Harassment Advisors, who can be approached in confidence, Sophie Schirmacher and Debbie Tolond. All staff are required to complete EDI training including the university’s e-course ‘Challenging Behaviour – dealing with bullying and harassment’.
Gender reassignment: The college is in the process of establishing a formal transgender policy, including a process for responding to requests for changes to staff and student records. Gender-neutral toilets are available in the Admin Building and Observer’s House.
Pregnancy and maternity: Green Templeton is known for being a family-friendly college and welcomes children in almost all areas of the college. Breastfeeding is permitted in all areas of the college and a private room will be found on request. There is a room with baby-changing facilities, a playground and a programme of activities for families with young children (see below). A guide for student parents is produced by the College Office for incoming students with dependent children.
Menopause policy: In 2023-24 Green Templeton introduced a Menopause in the Workplace policy, which provides information and guidance for staff and managers about support for those experiencing negative impacts of menopause, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.
Graduate Common Room: The Green Templeton Graduate Common Room elects a Vice-President for Equality and Diversity to its Executive Committee every year. In 2023-24, this was MacKenzie Isaac. In addition, the 2023-24 GCR committee included the following EDI-related officers:
- Black Students’ Representative (Nicole Mfoafo-M’Carthy and Rejoice Hassan)
- Female Welfare Officer (Joana Geisler and Marlene Merchert)
- International Students Representative (Rasika Bombatkar)
- LGBTQIA+ Representative (Sara Tanovic and Nicholas Thomas-Lewis)
The GCR acts as a key feedback mechanism for all students, and funds and organises activities promoting EDI, some of which are included in the list below. Leadership of the GCR was explicitly focused this year on embedding EDI aims into all its activities, including through structural and constitutional changes.
College activities promoting EDI in 2023-24
- The college’s annual Diversity Dinner was held during Disability History Month and celebrated neurodiversity. A separate low-stimulus dining room was offered for guests with sensory issues who might find the noise and lights of the main dining hall difficult. This was a pilot for possible low-stimulus dining options in the future.
- Led by the Green Templeton Black Students’ Society, the college celebrated Black History Month by flying its own #DIFFERENTEQUAL flag and with a programme of events including a themed Games Night, an Afro-Caribbean Music Bar Night, and a panel discussion, with Professor Caesar Atuire, Professor Shirley Thomson and Isatou Bokum, on ‘Helping the Black Community to Thrive’.
- The Black Students’ Society Journal was launched, including written reflections by twelve current and former students and fellows on their varied experiences of being Black at Oxford. The journal is hosted on the college website.
- The society also designed a Juneteenth Lunch menu which was served by college catering to the whole college community. Resources on the significance of Juneteenth to the African-American community were shared on tables. As part of the celebrations, and supported by the GCR, the society ran a Black Hair Braiding Workshop with experienced London-based hair stylists.
- In partnership with two other colleges, Green Templeton hosted a formal Eid Celebration Dinner to celebrate the end of Ramadan. The catering team worked with Muslim staff and students to create the menu.
- A Decolonized Thanksgiving Dinner celebrated Haudenosaunee culture and history, with traditional dishes and the sharing of a Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving address and information about American colonial history.
- Working with college welfare staff, the GCR organised a programme of activities to support a lively and close-knit LGBTQ+ student community, including Queer Catch-Ups, an LGBTQ+ History Month bar night with rainbow cocktails, a Queer Pub Quiz, and the provision of resources including free sexual health supplies.
- Working with student advocates, the Green Templeton library acquired and launched two new book collections: on neurodiversity advocacy and the gender health/medical gap. These provide resources to students and fellows for individual support, but also foster active inclusivity in their research and professional practice.
- In the Picturing Diversity project, supported by the EDI Forum, the college commissioned nine new portraits of fourteen women in the Green Templeton community from local photographer Hannah Veale. A temporary exhibition of the portraits was launched at a celebration on International Women’s Day 2024, and they are currently being framed for permanent display in the Lecture Theatre and Common Room. Earlier in the year, a new portrait of the former Green Templeton principal Professor Denise Lievesley, by Hero Johnson, was unveiled in a prominent location in the Common Room. The combined effect will be to transform this key shared room into a more welcoming space and signal visually the college’s inclusivity and embrace of gender equality.
- The catering team has continued to work on initiatives to ensure that college food and dining is as inclusive as possible and recognises and celebrates diversity. For example, students celebrating Ramadan were provided with takeaway meals which they could reheat after sundown; there were rainbow cupcakes at lunch during LGBTQ+ History Month; and ‘Veganuary’ saw vegan lunches and shared recipe recommendations throughout January. Regular informal student suppers were trialled and introduced as a more affordable and so more accessible alternative to formal college dinners. Themes for student suppers have included Lunar New Year and Mexican Day of the Dead.
- EDI has also been embedded into the planning of welfare activities and events in 2023-24 by staff and the GCR. For example, GCR-run Diversi-Teas, including a Holistic Wellness Fair, offered and signposted resources for mental health support with an awareness of students’ diverse and intersectional identities; and the college offered a student workshop, run by an intercultural psychotherapist, on Culture Shock at Oxford.
Partners and families: The college runs an Associate Member Scheme for the partners and families of students. This scheme provides funds to support events each year. In 2023-24, the scheme supported 49 active members. Events are run by college staff in consultation with the GCR Couples and Families Representative where possible; it has proven difficult in the last few years to fill this role, but the structure of the GCR has been reworked for 2024-25 partly with the aim of making the role more manageable and appealing for students. 2023-24 activities included:
- Welcome meet and greet for student parents and their families
- Welcome drinks in the Stables Bar for partners
- Halloween Themed Trick-or-Treat Trail
- Family Friendly Festive Mingle with gingerbread decorating
- Easter Egg Hunt
- All About Anna’s Animals – Summer-themed families’ event
- Pub Quiz for Associate Members
- Takeaway, bespoke picnic baskets for Associate Members
- Flower planting afternoon in the garden boxes installed during 2022-23
Academic Projects: The college invites applications for student-run academic projects to be granted funding from its Annual Fund, as well as in-kind support. The scheme specifically welcomes projects addressing issues related to EDI. In 2023-24, Green Templeton supported its students to run:
- An intensive British Sign Language Course, offered free to Green Templeton students, focused on vocabulary for medicine and healthcare situations
- Thinking with and alongside Critical Indigenous Scholarship, a major conference welcoming and engaging with Indigenous scholars and leaders from around the world
- A screening of the documentary Go, Friend, Go, about experiences of migration
- A talk for the Oxford Islamic Society on ‘Managing Muslim Identity in the Workplace’
- Seminars by invited speakers on queer/ trans research methods for the Oxford Feminist Thinking series
- A series of activities, including the 2024 Green Templeton Human Welfare Conference, on FemTech, which explores the use of technology and innovation to address gender inequalities in healthcare and medical research
Since 2022-23, the following principles associated with facilitating student ‘belonging’ are factored into our induction and welcome processes in particular:
If belonging can be defined as the extent to which students feel personally accepted, respected, included and supported by others, then elements include:
- Supporting students to form connections with other students, staff, other members of college
- Assisting students to identify with the college: sense we are living shared values
- Ensuring stability: reliable support services and facilities. Clarity on what is available
- Enabling active student voice mechanisms: regular opportunities for students to be heard and to feel that views are taken into account/ responded to
The work undertaken in 2023-24 around supporting neurodivergent students aligns with these principles.
Student Feedback
The college has two main mechanisms to capture student feedback in a regular and timely manner. A twice-termly Staff-Student Liaison Forum is co-chaired by the Senior Tutor and GCR President, and attended by members of the GCR and senior college staff.
The Annual Student Feedback Survey runs in Trinity Term and is reported to Academic Committee.
Equality and Diversity questions from Annual Student Feedback Survey 2024
Students are invited to respond to the following question: “Green Templeton aims to live by its values of inclusivity, equality and diversity. What would you like to see us do in order to achieve this?”
34 respondents provided comments. A number of these praise the college’s efforts so far; several respondents note that they chose the college for its progressive, non-hierarchical and ‘modern’ attitude. Other issues raised include:
- Lower-cost meals and accommodation. 3 comments outline concerns about Green Templeton being economically inclusive. This theme arose in 2023 too and is a key feature in the catering feedback section.
- More diversity in senior positions and among the fellowship
- Support for mature students and those with families
Equality & Diversity Data from Student Feedback Survey 2024
The E&D Forum recommended that equalities data be collected as part of our annual student experience survey (shared in Trinity Term) so we can monitor how far this feedback exercise reflects the college student community.
This section is optional. It was introduced in 2021 at the suggestion of the E&D Forum to monitor trends in survey engagement among traditionally under-represented groups.
The college’s student survey had an overall response-rate of 17%.
Gender: 99 responses. 58% women; 36% men. Cf. 65% women and 32% men in 2023. 96% of 100 respondents said their gender is the same as that assigned at birth.
Ethnicity: 97 responses. 54% white; 38% black or minority ethnic. Cf. 48% white and 35% BME in 2023.
Disability: 96 responses. 22% of respondents report a disability/long-term health condition/specific learning difficulty. Cf. 18% in 2023.
Sexuality: 97 responses. 64% heterosexual; 22% LGBTQ+. Cf. 74% and 20%, respectively, in 2023.
Caring responsibilities: 97 responses. 11% reported that they have caring responsibilities. Cf. 14% in 2023.
According to E&D data provided by the University on Green Templeton students in December 2023: 58% are women, 48% are black or minority ethnic (BME) and 19% are disabled. Data are not available for sexuality or caring responsibilities.
Student data reporting: gender, race and disability
As the college is not the admitting body for students it has limited influence over its population. All equalities data are collated and reported by the university.
Gender: The balance at Green Templeton remains in favour of a female majority (15%). There have been some small fluctuations in this over the last few years. A gender balance towards a female majority is in line with the representation of women on postgraduate programmes in UK universities (according to HESA).
- 2023-24: 58.1% Green Templeton students are women; cf. 50.9% University of Oxford (all students)
- 2022-23: 59.8% Green Templeton students are women; cf. 50.9% University of Oxford (all students)
Students of colour: The university uses the term BME to collate these data.
The proportion of Green Templeton graduate students reporting as BME (48.1%) has risen since 2016 and continues to be higher than the university average.
- 2023-24: 48.1% BME students at Green Templeton; cf. 38.7% University of Oxford (all students)
- 2022-23: 48.2% BME students at Green Templeton; cf. 36.5% University of Oxford (all students)
Disabled students: The proportion of Green Templeton students who disclose a disability is slightly higher than other graduate colleges in Oxford; this is because of our large undergraduate cohort (medical students).
- 2023-24: 19.3% Green Templeton; cf. 18.5% University of Oxford (all students)
- 2022-23: 14.9% Green Templeton cf. 17.9% University of Oxford (all students)
Authors: Dr Alison Stenton (Green Templeton Equality Lead) and Dr Ruth Scobie
5 September 2024
To be reported to HR Committee and Academic Committee: MT23
To be approved Governing Body: MT23