Richard Doll Society

In this section


Meet the committee!

Events calendar

Social media links


The Richard Doll Society (RDS) is Green Templeton’s vibrant student-led medical and allied health care society. Our aim is to enhance the medical and health care community at GTC by connecting students, prospective applicants, and alumni. Our work is focused into five main domains (see below with some examples):

  1. Educational Enrichment – basic surgical skills workshops, ‘Coding for Medicine’, ‘Alternative Careers Evening’
  2. Outreach – annual workshop for underprivileged sixth-form students to learn about Medicine at Oxford, practise interview technique, and work on personal statements
  3. Social and Networking – annual RDS conference featuring an array of engaging and eminent speakers
  4. Mentoring – via current and past fellows, teaching associates, common room members and alumni
  5. Alumni – over 1,200 contactable medical members in the GTC alumni network

Visit our Joan and Richard Doll Fellows page to read about who Sir Richard Doll was!

Meet the 2023 committee!

All committee members may be contacted via email:

Events Calendar

2023 Annual Conference: Global Health
Saturday 30 September

This year the theme is Global Health. Our speakers come from a range of disciplines including tropical surgery, epidemiology, and biomedical engineering.

The day will focus on a speaker panel discussion around careers in Global Health, and opportunities for students to present their posters.

More information and register

Outreach Day
Saturday 4 November

Details to follow.

RDS Festive Dinner
Thursday 14 December

Details to follow.

Social media

Follow the Richard Doll Society on Twitter

Follow the Richard Doll Society on Instagram

Follow the Richard Doll Society on Facebook