
Harassment, Bullying and Sexual Violence

Harassment, bullying and threatening behaviour

Green Templeton College does not tolerate any form of harassment or victimisation and expects all members of the College community, its visitors and contractors to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration. You have the right to pursue your studies free from harassment, bullying, or threatening behaviour.

Please see The College Policy and Procedure on Harassment and GTC Code of Conduct for further details.

If you are seeking support or advice concerning harassment or bullying, you may have the following questions:

What is meant by Harassment and/or Bullying?
A person subjects another to harassment where they engage in unwanted and unwarranted conduct which has the purpose or effect of violating another person’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for another person.

Who can I speak to if I have concerns?
The Green Templeton College staff below are ready to advise in complete confidence on any problems which might arise from alleged or apparent breaches of this policy.

Sue Ziebland, Welfare Dean
Alison Stenton, Senior Tutor
Junior Deans

Harassment policy

Read the Green Templeton Harassment Policy and Procedure

Code of conduct

Read the Green Templeton code of conduct

What support does the University offer?

Harassment Advisor Network

If you are worried about someone else’s behaviour towards you, you may prefer to make use of the University’s confidential Harassment Advisor Network. You can ask for a Harassment Advisor outside your College or Department, an advisor specialised in relationship abuse or sexual violence, or an advisor who is BME or LGBTQ+. Call 01865 270760 or email harassment.line@admin.ox.ac.uk

Are there other options?

Student Resolution Service (Mediation)

The University offers a voluntary mediation service for students who find themselves in conflict with another student (the Student Resolution Service). Any student can make a confidential enquiry via e-mail to: mediation@admin.ox.ac.uk. This service is not appropriate for cases of serious harassing behaviour or criminal conduct.

Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service

If the harassment is sexual in nature, one of the specialist advisors in the Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service can provide support and advice. This service is an all-in-one provision, run during office hours, for any students regardless of age or gender who have been affected by sexual harassment or violence. It provides free support and advice, along with a safe place to be heard independent of your college or department.

To make an appointment, email: supportservice@admin.ox.ac.uk, and you will be put in contact with a suitable advisor.

There is a separate provision to support and advise students who have been accused of sexual misconduct, email caseadvice@admin.ox.ac.uk

University Counselling Service

The Counselling Service also has a number of counsellors who are experienced in working with survivors of sexual harassment and violence. To make an appointment, or self-refer, email: counselling@admin.ox.ac.uk.

External Support Services

There are a number of specialist organisations outside of the University who also provide support to people affected by sexual harassment and violence External Support | University of Oxford.

Oxford Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre offers a free and confidential service to women who are dealing with the effects of sexual violence, and to anyone who is supporting them.

Solace – Supporting the victims of Rape or Serious Sexual Assault. Solace Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) is located at two sites, Bicester and Slough. They provide coordinated, forensic, counselling and aftercare services to men, women and children living in Thames Valley who have experienced rape or sexual assault, recent or non-recent.

A taxi to the Solace Centre can be booked by the college through one of the Junior Deans, or via the Porters’ Lodge. A Junior Dean can also be available to support and/or accompany a student to the centre.