Professor Timothy Hoff
Professor Timothy Hoff is an Associate Fellow of Green Templeton College, University of Oxford. He is Professor of Management Healthcare Systems and Health Policy, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University.
Hoff is Associate Editor of the premier journal, Academy of Management Discoveries. His recent book is entitled Searching for the Family Doctor: Primary Care on the Brink (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022).
Before going into academia, Hoff worked for a decade in hospital administration and as a health care consultant. He is an award-winning researcher who studies health workforce issues (e.g., resilience), health care innovation, health care quality, primary care transformation, and clinician behavior; and is an expert in the use of qualitative methods.
Hoff has published four books and over 75 peer-reviewed articles. He is the faculty director for the health care management and consulting concentration in the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University, and the business management in health care concentration for the Northeastern MBA program.
Hoff conducts executive education and management consulting for a variety of organizations within the healthcare industry, in areas such as change management, leadership, health workforce issues, workflow and systems redesign, and improving the patient experience in health care.