About Fellowship

Listed below are the categories of fellowship at Green Templeton College. Association is organised into three categories: Fellows, Associates and Common Room Members. Some of these are restricted to those with a substantive academic post within the University of Oxford. Individuals are elected by Governing Body on the recommendation of Fellowship Committee.


Governing Body Fellows

Senior fellows of the college, including Barclay Fellows, Senior Doll Fellows, and Senior Research Fellows, along with the Principal, Bursar and Senior Tutor. These are trustees of the college, and as such are obligated to comply with the requirements of trusteeship in line with Charity Commission guidance.

Associate Fellows

Have significant expertise and experience in fields allied with the college’s academic identity, strengths and strategy. This category is primarily for those without a formal academic association with the University of Oxford and it exists at Green Templeton to further the college’s aim of providing parity of esteem to research and practice.

Barclay Fellows

Elected by invitation from Governing Body to support college strategy, based on their expertise in relevant areas including, but not limited to, finance, investment, law and charity governance.

Emeritus Fellows

For those who have served as a member of Governing Body for ten years or more. This is a lifetime affiliation.

Girdlers’ Health Research Council Fellow of New Zealand

A two-year salaried post-doctoral research fellowship for New Zealand citizens to work on healthcare-related research in Oxford. Girdlers’ Fellows have the status of Research Fellows at Green Templeton, and will also receive a further year’s support upon return to New Zealand. More information

Honorary Fellows

Appointed by Governing Body in recognition of exceptional individual contribution to the college and its community. Those who have made the most significant financial contribution to College may be invited to be Radcliffe Fellows. These are lifetime appointments.

Joan and Richard Doll Fellows

Proposed by the Senior Doll Fellows to assist with delivering a programme of teaching to the college’s clinical medical students.

Research Fellows

Hold academic posts at the University of Oxford. Typically, they are recruited via a biennial competition to support the college’s academic strengths and strategy.

Senior Joan and Richard Doll Fellows

Responsible for the direction and delivery of Green Templeton’s clinical medical teaching and support programme.

Senior Research Fellows

Hold academic posts (typically Professor) within the University of Oxford. Once appointed, this group is invited to apply to serve on Governing Body.

Visiting Fellows

Applications are welcome from those due to visit any University of Oxford department for a period of less than a year.

Associates and Members

Research Associates

Research Associates have academic posts at the University of Oxford, and are nominated for college affiliation by their department, typically because of their close connection to a current Green Templeton Fellow. Research Associateship confers college membership benefits in return for an annual fee.

Teaching Associates

Doctors who provide around an hour a week of bedside teaching to Green Templeton medical students. Teaching Associates are unpaid but receive certain College benefits as well as University Academic Visitor Status. More information

Common Room Members

Appointed by Governing Body on the recommendation of Fellowship Committee, on the basis of academic or professional expertise in a field relevant to the college’s specific aims and areas of focus. Common Room Membership confers benefits of a college affiliation in return for an annual fee.


Please direct enquiries about fellowship in the first instance to FellowshipAdministration@gtc.ox.ac.uk