Building sustainable careers in health care: the why and how

Management in Medicine Programme

Saturday 22 June 2024   10:00 to 13:00


Professor Timothy Hoff


Green Templeton College

Sustainable career building is the antidote to burnout and dissatisfaction in the health care workplace. This seminar will focuses in an applied way on how to build sustainable careers for various types of health care professionals, including participants.

The participants will get introduced to the underlying principles and practice of sustainable career development. Specific activities, mindsets, and ways of managing health care talent to support building these types of empowered careers will also be covered during the seminar.

About the speaker

Timothy HoffProfessor Timothy Hoff is an Associate Fellow of Green Templeton College, University of Oxford. He is Professor of Management Healthcare Systems and Health Policy, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University. He is Associate Editor of the premier journal, Academy of Management Discoveries.

Professor Hoff’s recent book is entitled Searching for the Family Doctor: Primary Care on the Brink. Before going into academia, he worked for a decade in hospital administration and as a health care consultant.

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Green Templeton College
University of Oxford
43 Woodstock Road

About the Management in Medicine Programme

The Management in Medicine Programme at Green Templeton aims to develop management and leadership skills for health and care systems in early career professionals. It is open to medical students, doctors in training, postgraduate students and others with an interest in healthcare management.

Type: Fellowship