Quality improvement in healthcare

Management in Medicine

Saturday 26 November 2022   10:00 to 13:00


Dr Sahana Rao


Green Templeton College


Most healthcare workers recognise the need to make improvements in clinical pathways, processes, systems, and outcomes. So do their patients. Yet making these improvements often feels impossible alongside the challenges of day-to-day work and in the complex cultures of healthcare organisations. This session will cover QI methodologies such as Model for improvement , PDSA and Lean. The interactive workshop is for anyone who has ever wished they knew more about the science of healthcare improvement and the art of leading change in organisations.

About the speaker

Dr Sahana Rao is a Consultant Paediatrician at Oxford University hospital NHS Foundation Trust. She is the founder and lead of the QI Hub program. The QI hub is a multi-professional QI educational program empowers multi-professional staff to develop QI capability and deliver continuous, sustained patient-centred improvement for the benefit of colleagues and staff. This program has been running successfully for the last 3 years and has supported over 100 QI projects and 140 staff. It has won the Health Service Journal (HSJ) Patient Safety Award for Changing Culture, 2021.

She is passionate about medical and multi-professional education. She is a senior clinical lecturer at the university of Oxford. She has held numerous educational roles and is currently Foundation training programme director, educational supervisor and appraiser at OUH. She is the training advisor for General Paediatrics at the Royal college of Paediatrics and Child Health.


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More information

The Management in Medicine Programme at Green Templeton aims to develop management and leadership skills for health and care systems in early career professionals. It is open to medical students, doctors in training, postgraduate students and others with an interest in healthcare management.

For more information please contact ana.ortiz@gtc.ox.ac.uk