Developed Decarbonisation Plan underway thanks to Salix funding

As part of Green Templeton’s commitment to reducing its carbon usage, the college has commissioned a comprehensive Heat Decarbonisation Plan for its estates. The review will be undertaken by Max Fordham LLP and is possible thanks to a successful application for £60,000 from the government-backed Salix fund.

Max Fordham will produce a high-level appraisal which seeks to understand and quantify the current performance of the estate, set out high level approaches to decarbonise buildings and set out the relevant issues which must be addressed to deliver any decarbonisation over the coming years.

A central feature of the 2021 renovation at Rewley Abbey Court was the installation of external doors and windows to the stairwells to preserve energy

Areas to be considered will include:

  • existing energy consumption data
  • heat generation and renewable technologies and how these might be applied with the benefits based on benchmarks and precedents
  • fabric improvement works to buildings and how these might be applied.

It will provide order of magnitude cost figures associated with the options considered and identify which buildings in the estate would be best to focus on for highest impact.

Subsequently, a Developed Decarbonisation Plan with firm recommendations and a cost-optimised, actionable plan detailing what is required to decarbonise the estate. This will include identifying manageable piecemeal individual decarbonisation projects, considering which heat generation system upgrades would make the biggest impact, and establishing the best value approach to decarbonisation for each building and holistically for the Estate (Report as £/tonne of CO2 abated over 30yrs).

Domestic Bursar Teresa Strike said,

‘This funding is great news for the college, it allows us to build a very high-level decarbonisation plan for the college estate. The report, which will be ready in Spring 2023, will help us to raise the capital investment required to realise the plans over the coming decades.’

Sustainability at Green Templeton

Green Templeton College is committed to a sustainable future. We recognise that the actions and choices of our community have a huge impact on the college’s environmental footprint, with around 250 students living in our accommodation and many more coming to dine and use the facilities. We are committed to embedding sustainable working and thinking through education.

Green Templeton is proud to have been awarded a Gold Award for the second time at the 2022 Green Impact Awards Ceremony plus our staff and students also received individual praise.

More about Sustainability at Green Templeton

Created: 27 September 2022