Royal Medal for Common Room Member Andrew Mitchell

Andrew Mitchell Speaking At Lectern In Front Of Projected Slide

Common Room Member Andrew Mitchell has been awarded a Royal Medal for his lifetime’s contribution to protecting tropical rainforests and combating climate change.

The Founder’s Medal, approved by His Majesty the King, is part of a series of awards from the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) that recognise extraordinary achievement in geographical research, fieldwork, teaching, policy, and public engagement.

Andrew was Rufford Fellow in Environmental Understanding at then-Green College from 2002 to 2004 after being introduced to the college by the late Sir Crispin Tickell. He subsequently became a Common Room Member.

Andrew is an international thought leader on natural capital finance and tropical forests. Founder of Equilibrium Futures, he provides strategic advice on natural capital to the finance sector; he is also Senior Adviser to Oxford not-for-profit, Global Canopy, which he founded in 2001.

In 2019 he catalysed the formation of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) which was launched in June 2021. He is now the Vice Chair of its Stewardship Council.

Andrew said of the medal,

‘I am delighted to accept this honour and dedicate it to every leaf, and every branch, and every creature that calls towering trees their home.

‘In the face of deforestation and changing climate, our commitment to preserve these living giants and their diverse ecosystems has become ever more critical.

‘This award will catalyse me to continue leadership in research and debate on the biggest environmental issues of our time.’

The Royal Medals originated in 1831 as an annual gift of fifty guineas to the Society from King William IV. In 1839, it was agreed this sum should be converted into the two gold medals.

Green Templeton congratulates Andrew and all the others honoured.

Created: 3 August 2023