Working with AI, Burnout, and Bureaucracy: A Thriving Guide for Health Care Professionals

Saturday 10 May 2025   09:30 to 13:00


Professor Timothy Hoff, Associate Fellow


Green Templeton College

About the speaker

Professor Timothy Hoff is an Associate Fellow of Green Templeton College, University of Oxford. He is Professor of Management, Healthcare Systems, and Health Policy, D’Amore-McKim School of Business and School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, Northeastern University.

Professor Hoff’s recent book is entitled Searching for the Family Doctor: Primary Care on the Brink. Before going into academia, he worked for a decade in hospital administration and as a health care consultant.

About the event

The integration of artificial intelligence into patient care, high rates of burnout occurring in the healthcare workforce, and work settings defined by bureaucracy all shape how health professionals see themselves and do their jobs. These realities present opportunities as well as challenges. This seminar will identify the professional mindsets needed, and the specific personal tactics required, for thriving in today’s healthcare work settings.


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